Saturday, October 30, 2010

SunChips has it all

Why not serving on a bowl every once in a while?

At our recent times what we see is snack food businesses becoming 'straight', or something like that. Junk food kingdoms such as MacDonald's and Burger King are constantly adjusting their menus to provide healthier options to customers.

Nevertheless, Frito-Lay decided to adapt to the new times in other realms. It provided the world with something new for a snack food company: a compostable bag, or in other words, a degradable bag.

I'm a post marketing student, with background in design, and I was thrilled by this idea! It's ok that we may eat what we feel like, whenever healthy or not, but if we counteract the rubbish accumulation around the world, yeah, we can delay the search for another planet to live in the future (yeah, people think about that).

It started as loud as a stomp (this is not sarcasm, please note) with raving reviews, for example, one from, that would query if Frito-Lay wanted to be locked-in a 'compostable bag' category. A Facebook page for Frito-Lay's product, SunChips was also devised, and it's quite fun too.

Some months later, a setback in Frito-Lay's plans. Although the message of the chips package is clear,'This Bag Is LOUDER BECAUSE IT IS COMPOSTABLE', people massively opted out for a cleaner planet.

'The bag is too noisy.', customers claimed.

The bags, and the Frito-Lay products are not available everywhere in the world, for example where I am now, Australia. The fact is that a big market like US gonna go back to normal bags - although Canada keeps the new package. It would be a kick-start in a transformation of recycling habits, and the way people see packaging that goes to landfills. Everyone's attitude could change.

I think this is such a milestone that can't be ignored, and hopefully won't be for too long.

It is such an advancement, that, maybe, it is needed one step a time. As mentioned at the Green, environmental blog by the NY Times', the spokewoman for Frito-Lay declares 'Innovation is a journey'. Yes, it is, and it has proved so far.

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