Monday, June 11, 2012

Intersexual Friendship

Yesterday I read an article on the ISTOƉ magazine, which brings a story about intersexual friendship, or friendship between sexes, saying that men and women CAN be friends. Well, it's kinda hard to believe. The report has substantial proof though: from thesis by academics to testimonials by so-called 'friends'.

Nevertheless, I can really see a woman and a man relating to each other well; guys and girls in university, lunch break at work, after work happy hour, all good. What I notice by that is people getting along, I don't see them as guys and girls struggling to get along or suppressing feelings and stuff, of course. However, the magazine stated, the way I see things, it wasn't the norm until the II Great War, or more recently, in the 70s, when women reached the job market.
Since women have become independent, voted, started to work, or driven cars, then guys and girls started to relate more to each other, before that, girls would just meet brothers, priests and that's it. I haven't seen things that way before.

The thing is, apart from circles of friends at work, university, school and so on, a sole guy and girl, by themselves, as a guy x guy or girl x girl, it's hard to imagine. I have seen girls refusing to go out with me as friends, ok, the same way, I refused to go out with girls just as friends - it would just not work. You can go out once, twice, but after that it gets strange.

Among the theories on the magazine, one says there are four types of friendship between men and women. The most common, up to 90%, says guys and girls are just friends, no more, no less. That's what I see mostly, hence, it's what I consider friendship between sexes. The other 10% stray into different spheres: subjective, objective interest, and romance type of thing. For me, then, it's not friendship, why not step ahead and consider other things?