Thursday, September 10, 2020

Sorry No Internet Today

Using technology too much can lead to anxiety, and it can distract us from our usual daily life, I believe everybody knows that. So, during this pandemic situation, which I'd been confined at home for a while, it got harder for me to focus on studying. What I decided to do next was a "detox day" for technology.

What I found out, after watching this video, that it is quite strange to quit everything we are used to. It is wow, so weird! Watching all sorts of content on my tablet all the time, then, zero, none. The video calls out for a new dopamine fix on things that are not enthusiastic anymore. That's what I needed. 

With nothing to do, I got time to read the news on paper, and to stay quiet for a while. Enjoyed the silence, like that song.

By the end of the day, when I thought it was all too boring, I decided to flick through some pages of a magazine. Then something became clear: I just noticed how the colors, the designs, quality of the paper, facts all there was quite fun. I thought it was interesting again to read a magazine. Something I don't do anymore, neither go to a newsstand!

The next day I woke up with no need to turn on the radio whatsoever. So strange still! Haha. Later at home after work, I studied a bit, without stressing - too much, I may say -, over this. I managed to sit down and to watch some classes on video (alright, online classes, but what one can do?) I noticed I felt detached from the rush of excitement provided by information, memes and gossip. Maybe I'll do this again next week : )

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