As US passes the number of 100.000 cases of deaths related to Covid 19, some laboratories say they are on the brink of finding a vaccine. We all want this really much to happen, but it is not easy. What we have for sure is our faith to masks, sanitation and distancing. Some speculate around which medicine is best to take for the treatment. Hydroxychloroquine, interferon beta, remdesivir etc Not sure what is or what is not appropriate.
Since the beginning of the virus crisis, I would often pay attention to its spread rate, what would you do to avoid being contaminated, and the pathogen characteristics. I knew from the start it feels like a cold, and only this, for 80 per cent of the population. Twenty per cent would get ill, and five per cent in between would get really bad.
In my case, I didn't fall sick (considering I've been already exposed to the virus) and not the ones related to me. Through this scenario, I also became aware different regions in the world react differently to the virus. And there are the countries most visited by foreigners, or most cosmopolitan, and all of that. Lots of variables to think about.
What is easy for me to perceive is the longer you stay safe, the better for you. We all know testing is hard at the moment, even more for developing countries, because tests are expensive. Brazil (where I'm talking from) is testing way lower than other countries (three thousand per million,) even neighboring ones, like Uruguay, are testing more (ten thousand per million,) as of last week of May, 2020.
Staying positive is good for you, but better than that is to follow simple guidelines. Sneeze or cough on your bent arm (even wearing face masks,) wash your hands or use alcohol gel, and distance yourself enough from others. In case you feel you are not that healthy at the moment, consider self isolation, which is hard. Nevertheless being cautious is already quite good for everyone. Staying outdoors is less risky than indoors, according to this youtube video.
Oh, and there's the global economy... Oh, man