Olympic torch: just in time. Illustration by trrent
It's been a long time
since I haven't written some lines here. Besides studying a lot, I
notice lots of things going on, but no time to put some ideas in here.
What called my attention recently (ok, not so recent) was the announcement for the London
Olympics and Paralympics Games' opening and closing ceremonies director. I know it's gonna be Danny Boyle, who filmed Trainspotting, 28 Days and other flicks, with assistance of
Stephen Daldry, director of Billy Elliot.
What impresses me is
the fact, MTV says, he is making something thrilling and intense, and is gonna bring 'the Beatles' (?!). The Guardian
states whatsoever, there are no Beatles, but Paul McCartney, Elton
John and Take That, possibly. Underworld is there for sure!!
People know he is gonna
open with a line from Caliban, who is a deformed slave in the
Shakespeare's play 'The Tempest'. Danny is then honoring the
National Health Service, the largest bell in Europe, and all the
intrinsic characteristics that define the UK people, like
inventiveness, and wit. Yeah, I kinda agree with those.
15,000 performers are
taking the stage at the four ceremonies. At the Paralympics, the opening show is
called 'enlightenment', and it's gonna bring the work of a British
charity, Aerobility, which gives disabled people the chance to become
pilots. The Get Set education programme of the London's Olympics will
provide volunteers under 16 to the opening.
I am eagerly waiting
for those events! I think they are as highly expected as the games